preposition about examples,Prepositions are small but essential words in English that link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words in a sentence (प्रिपोज़िशन अंग्रेज़ी भाषा के छोटे लेकिन महत्वपूर्ण शब्द हैं, जो संज्ञा (nouns), सर्वनाम (pronouns), या वाक्यांशों (phrases) को वाक्य के अन्य शब्दों से जोड़ते हैं।) . They show relationships in terms of place, time, direction, cause, manner, or possession and help answer questions like where?, when?, and how? (ये स्थान, समय, दिशा, कारण, तरीका, या स्वामित्व के संदर्भ में संबंध दिखाते हैं और कहाँ?, कब?, और कैसे? जैसे सवालों का जवाब देने में मदद करते हैं।)
What Is a Preposition? (प्रिपोज़िशन क्या है?)
A preposition connects words, showing relationships between them. For example:
- Place (स्थान): The keys are on the table (चाबी मेज पर है।).
- Time (समय): I will meet you after lunch (मैं तुमसे खाने के बाद मिलूंगा।).
- Direction (दिशा): He went into the room (वह कमरे में गया।).
Rules for Using Prepositions (प्रिपोज़िशन का उपयोग करने के नियम)
- Always Followed by an Object (हमेशा ऑब्जेक्ट के साथ उपयोग करें)
A preposition must be followed by a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase (प्रिपोज़िशन के बाद हमेशा संज्ञा (noun), सर्वनाम (pronoun), या संज्ञा वाक्यांश (noun phrase) आना चाहिए।).- Correct: She is waiting for the bus.
- Incorrect: She is waiting for.
- Never Followed by a Verb (क्रिया (Verb) के साथ नहीं आता)
If a verb follows, it should be in the gerund (-ing) form (अगर प्रिपोज़िशन के बाद क्रिया आती है, तो वह हमेशा -ing रूप में होनी चाहिए।).- Correct: He is good at playing football.
- Incorrect: He is good at play football.
- Clarify Relationships of Time, Place, or Direction (स्थान, समय, और दिशा के संबंध स्पष्ट करें)
- Place (स्थान): The book is on the desk.
- Time (समय): I was born in July.
- Direction (दिशा): She walked toward the park.
- Avoid Ending Sentences with Prepositions (when formal) (वाक्य को प्रिपोज़िशन पर खत्म करने से बचें (औपचारिकता में):
- Informal (अनौपचारिक) : What are you talking about?
- Formal (औपचारिक) : About what are you talking?
However, modern English allows exceptions: This is the book I was looking for (हालांकि, आधुनिक अंग्रेज़ी में कुछ अपवाद मान्य हैं: यह वह किताब है जिसकी मुझे तलाश थी।).
- Context Matters
Prepositions can change the meaning of a sentence (संदर्भ के अनुसार अर्थ बदल सकता है) :- He is at the school (location).
- He is in the school (inside the building).
Common Types of Prepositions (प्रिपोज़िशन के सामान्य प्रकार)
- Place (स्थान) : in, on, at, under, over, behind
- The shoes are under the bed.
- She is at the door.
- Time (समय): at, on, in, before, after
- We will meet at 5 p.m.
- I have a meeting on Monday.
- Direction/Movement (दिशा/गतिशीलता) : to, into, onto, toward
- She is going to the park.
- The cat jumped onto the table.
- Cause/Reason (कारण/कारण) : because of, due to, for
- He missed the bus because of traffic.
- This gift is for you.
- Manner/Instrument (तरीका/उपकरण): by, with, as
- He traveled by train.
- She cut the paper with scissors.
Commonly Confused Prepositions (अक्सर भ्रमित प्रिपोज़िशन)
- In, On, At:
- In (enclosed space): He is in the room.
- On (surface): The book is on the table.
- At (specific point): She is at the station.
- By vs. With:
- By (agent): The painting was made by an artist.
- With (instrument): She wrote the note with a pen.
- For vs. Since:
- For (duration): I’ve been here for three hours.
- Since (specific time): I’ve been here since 2 p.m.